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A Visit with Mom

Written by: Heather on

I woke up this morning with Mom on my mind.  She paid a visit to me last night, in my dreams that is.  But the thing that was a little different about this visit is that I was seeing her spirit in my dream.  Before she was always alive in my dreams.  I wonder if this can mean anything different?   I still cherish the visit, because I miss her more then I could ever imagine.

The dream…

I was having a altercation with a friend / ex coworker and all the sudden I stop and was looking behind her.  I said to my friend, “I’m sorry I am not ignoring you, but my mom is behind you.”  She stepped aside and the altercation was over.  No words were spoken with her but their didn’t need to be.  She was doing one of her favorite things to do, and that was dancing.  Looking beautiful as ever doing it.

Here is a very small clip of her dancing at our wedding in 2016.  She was just diagnosed 2 months prior with stage 4 cancer.

On Monday I felt she was wanting to say to me as well.  I went to take our Son to swim class.  As I am sitting there watching, a woman, her daughter and and grand baby walked up to the picnic area I was sitting at.  The lady caught my attention with her walk.  I had to do a double take on her, up to her face  it was my Mom.  I couldn’t help but to watch her, as I miss everything about my Mom.  I honestly don’t think I have had a day when I don’t think of her somehow.

I think I am going to wear my charm that holds some of her ashes in it today.

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