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All in My Head

Written by: Heather on

One of the things I really dislike, is when you trust someone enough to tell them about your inner thoughts / mental disorders.  And then they turn it around and use it against you because they either did wrong, they want to make you look bad, or to get something they want.  I have had this happen to me a few times with exes of mine in different scenarios.  However the one that sticks out the most is when I was accusing someone of cheating on me. They simply said, “it’s all in your head.”  Yes I know most thing are “all in my head”  however this wasn’t, although i started to believe it was for a while.   It wasn’t to long after we broke up and went our separate ways that I found out, it was true.  They really were cheating, at that point though I didn’t care anymore.

But yes usually when someone says “it’s all in your head” it’s true.  I know “it’s in my head” that is why it’s called a mental disorder.  The key is acknowledging that it is in fact, “just in your head.”  While going through this discovery this great song by Avery Sunshine called “All in my head” came out.  What perfect timing it was.  Most of the songs she put on this album connected with me somehow.

The Lyrics:

When you said you needed space
I just wasn’t in a place
Where I could hear what you meant
When you said it
I took it out of context and
Got all bent outta shape
So angry till I started thinking ’bout the sense
That it didn’t make

It was all in my head
All the things that you said
I changed them around in my head
I listened not to my heart but to my mind instead

Sensitive and warm
That’s the way I am, that’s the way I was born
You know, doubts and insecurities
Make it hard for me to hear the things I should
I took it out of context and
Got all bent outta shape
So angry till I started thinking ’bout the sense
That it didn’t make

It was all in my head
All the things that you said
I changed them around in my head
I listened not to my heart but to my mind instead

Made something out of something
I made a mountain out of a molehill
It’s so sad that all the baggage I had made me feel
Things that weren’t real

It was all in my head
All the things that you said
I changed them around in my head
I listened not to my heart but to my mind instead
It was all in my head
It was all in my head
I made it all up in my mind
It was all in my head, hold on, hold on
It was all in my head, It was all in my head
I need to get my mind, I was somewhere else, it was all in my head
It was all in my head, oh yeah, yeah
It was all in my head, all in my head
it was all in my head, all in my head
It was all in my head, all in my imagination.

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