Posted in Life in General4 Comments on Connecting Another Family Connecting Another Family

Written by: Heather on

Ancetry DNABack in 2016 my Wife and I did the Ancestry DNA test.  She did it more to see what her background was.  I did it for that but more importantly to try and find family I never knew about (I never knew anything about my Biological Fathers family.  If your a new reader you may want to read these two post (Where I Came From and Sad Musician Hits High Note at Life’s End) to get a quick update.

It was cool to get my results back to see what my origins were and I even saw potential third and fourth cousins.  I contacted 1 or 2 people but they didn’t seem to be interested.   I’m guessing the family connection was to distant for them.  I did find out some information on my grandparents that they had passed away but that was the only information I was able to find.  So after about a year or so I got a little discouraged.  I started to think that maybe I don’t have any family from my Biological Fathers side left.

Yesterday August 20th, I got a friend request on Facebook.  When I get a friend request I always check out the profile to see how I know them.  I don’t take friend request unless I know you somehow.  Usually it’s because I know you in person.  But if I’ve been interacting with you online for a while, I will accept you as well.  I accepted the friend request based on part of their last name.  It was a Blackwell (my original family name).  Shortly after I get a message.

Hey, I don’t want to seem creepy, but you came up as a 99% match on my ancestry DNA report, as my first cousin, I think your father is my fathers brother that he has been looking for for years now.

I was so happy but at the same time didn’t know what to say.  I have since found out that I have 2 Aunts and 2 Uncles and of course cousins to go with it.  We have been yapping away.  I am hoping that one day I will make a trip out there to meet them.

I know that my Mom and my biological parents are all smiling down at me in heaven.  All my life I’ve been wanting this,  not because I don’t love my family.   But just to find out more about myself and my blood.

If you want to try Ancestry DNA please sign up through this link, you will save 15% and I earn a lil something as well.

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4 thoughts on “ Connecting Another Family

  1. That is so cool. My mom had been searching for years to find her family, she was adopted by her uncle so she didn’t know her mom or dad they had split up and her uncle was her father’s brother. One day came by to see his brother and found that instead his nieces taking care of themselves because the mom wasn’t around either. My mom was the eldest and was taking care of her sister and her baby brother when she was 6 years old. I guess she looked really sickly and the uncle took the two girls. My mom didn’t remember what happened to who she calls baby Gordon. And she never got to know her mom who was barely in her life at all. anyway I don’t remember exactly how but we used like a 1809 find service that was being advertised on every talk show from Sally Jesse Raphael etc… old skool lol We found her father and half sister & other family in Montana on my mom’s dad’s side. And she started an ancestry account and everything. Was a lot of fun for her and I was so happy for her because she really wanted to find family. And now that I’m one of the last of the unicorns on my branch because I won’t be having children etc I would like to find ya know other relatives. Even people on my dad’s side but he didn’t have any brothers or sisters (like me) so but I know my grandmother had sisters. Etc… Anyway I’m talk texting this comment because I’m lazy so sorry if this didn’t make sense.

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