My Life in General

Posted in Life in General4 Comments on Connecting Another Family Connecting Another Family

Written by: Heather on 2 min read

Back in 2016 my Wife and I did the Ancestry DNA test.  She did it more to see what her background was.  I did it for that but more importantly to try and find family I never knew about (I never knew anything about my Biological Fathers family.  If your a new reader you may

Posted in Life in General1 Comment on One Week

One Week

Written by: Heather on < 1 min read

It’s been one week since my last post, and yes here we are again on hump day.  Maybe I should turn this into Wednesdays with Locstar lol.   So as you see yes I am still here, I’ve just been busy taking care of the dogs, things around the house or just haven’t been inspired. 

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