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City Girl Gone Country

Written by: Heather on

Lake front home
When can we move in?

As most of you know I grew up in San Diego.  I have always considered my self a city girl.  I love the sounds of the streets.  I love that if I am bored and want to get out to do something I can find something to do almost any hour day or nite. But as much as I like all that.  I am thinking that maybe I want less.  I can trade in my city car for a Jeep or a 4×4 truck.

It seems that within the last few years life has changed drastically not our personal life, but life that surrounds us.  Almost as if it happened overnight, as for the year 2020 it surely changed overnight.

I have always dreamed of retiring on the beach, some where in San Diego, or Monterey, CA.  But now it’s more of just wanting a piece of property on any sort of water whether it be the ocean, lake or river.  As long as we don’t have direct neighbors.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my next door neighbors.  They have been nothing but extremely nice and helpful to us, but our neighborhood in general has gone down hill.  Okay let’s get real our State has gone down hill too.  I always think maybe we could go to Washington or Oregon but their politics don’t seem to be much different then California’s as they are following right behind.

Slams on the brakes, sorry I am heading in a  political direction, so let me turn around.

So it seems that we will be deciding on if we want to deal with extreme heat or cold.  We are greatly considering the cold over heat.  After all it is so much easier to stay warm then to stay cool.  As much as we loved our trip to Yellowstone,  we are thinking a place like Montana may be it.  Not to mention we could get so much more out of our money outside of California.   Somewhere that we can trade in thief’s and punks for deer’s and ducks, and buildings for tall beautiful trees.

I had no idea of what I was going to write about today, until a situation last night.  Stuff like this just makes me wanna move that much more.  We are just waiting for retirement age before we do.

We were relaxing on the sofa about to go to bed in the next 20 mins or so.  Our dogs start to go crazy and we thought they saw our cat.  But the cat was no where in sight and they were facing the door.  I then see flashing lights through the cracks of our wooden blinds.  I’m thinking that maybe their was a police car that pulled someone over in front of our house.  However then I start to hear a crackling sound.  I thought oh it must be one of our neighbors setting off the last of their fireworks.  Terry looks out the window to get a better look.  Someone tossed a fountain firework at our front door and drove off.  We waited for it to stop before opening the door.  Smoke quickly starts to come in with no one to be found, except one of our neighbors who came out after seeing the flashing lights.  We all checked our cameras to see if anyone caught any footage to find nothing.  Our neighbor was nice enough to grab her hose to make sure it was extinguished.  I cleaned up the mess, and checked to see if it burnt our front door thankfully no damage was noticed.  We sit down to try to relax a bit more and then head up to bed.  But after setting our alarm and before I fall asleep I changed the sensitivity and the coverage on our our camera’s up front.  Right now I don’t care of it picks up every person that walks down the street throughout the day, or our cat that just walks from the front to the back of our home.

Hoping today will be a better day….

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5 thoughts on “City Girl Gone Country

  1. Trading it all in for deer and ducks sounds amazing! Just the thought of it puts me in a better place… thank you for the smiles this morning brought on by reading your blog. I really enjoy reading all of your posts.

  2. So sorry you experienced that. What do you think the motive was behind it? Also how come you full post doesn’t read inside WordPress?

    1. Not sure if there was a motive, probably a kid being a jerk.

      Not sure why my full post don’t show up in WordPress, I do self host through. Yours unfortunately doesn’t even show up when I use the WordPress reader

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