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Eggs Come From Where?

Written by: Heather on

where do eggs come from?Funny that I am 46 years old and just now learning this. I always assumed that eggs came from a chicken’s vagina.  After all, isn’t it the birth canal of life?  Okay maybe just for Mammals.  Honestly I never really gave it much thought. Yesterday while I was on Facebook, I saw these signs that someone shared. I laughed at them, thought they were cute and went on with my day.

Last night while we were laying in bed, we were talking about our son.  How he still has his cute moments (he is almost 11).  I said, he is still our cute little nugget (Terry has always called the kids nuggets since I have known her). And that somehow turned into talking about butt nuggets, in reference to the signs I saw earlier in the day.  We both started to wonder, do chickens really lay eggs out of their ass.  I reach for my phone, thank god for the good ole internet that is available 24/7.  After all I can’t go to bed without having this little bit of knowledge.

So yes we found out that yes chickens/hens lay eggs through their cloaca, or what is also called the vent. While the eggs exit through the same vent used for everything a chicken excretes (poop and urine), the tissue of the uterus extends with the egg (a sort of inside-out trick) until the egg is entirely out of the vent and protecting it from any fecal matter.  After finding this out, I knew I had a fun blog post for the day.


We have some great pillow talk don’t we? Now to the question of what comes first, The chicken or the egg?

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8 thoughts on “Eggs Come From Where?

  1. Now there’s an image I won’t get out of my head today. 😂
    Luckily, I had to give up eggs due to digestive issues, so I won’t have to think about that while preparing. I think I’ll share that with my wife the next time she makes them. 😂

  2. I worked for Perdue for 10 years, although I did know this bit of knowledge. Did you know that the chicken has lung near his back and if one chicken stands on another the one being stood on will just lay there and suffocate. They don’t have the instinct to survive against each other.

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