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Favorite Childhood Foods

Written by: Heather on

Macaroni and cheese
Cheesy Goodness

So I was sitting down when I decided I wanted a good ole BP&J when I thought…

What are your favorite childhood foods? And do you still eat them as an adult?  And not only that, do they bring memories up while eating them.

I know I surely do, one of the reasons is because it brings me back to being a kid again as I eat them.

I bet at the top of a lot of people’s list will be good ole Pizza.  I have a lot of favorites and pizza is definitely one of them, but my ultimate favorite childhood food is Macaroni and Cheese. I would have to say this is my favorite mainly because it brings me back to when I was still with my biological parents before the tragic accident. Sitting there at the small table eating and looking out the window. It is one of the few memories I have as I was only five at the time.  But back to the good ole mac and cheese, who doesn’t love that cheesy goodness?

Another favorite of mine is a simple Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich. My favorite jelly for this is concord grape, Terry will argue that strawberry is the way to go. The simplicity of a PB&J is what makes it so great. And its such a quick easy fix for any child or adult to make when hungry.  So i know that the grape / strawberry jelly thing can be a huge debate.  I will say that for my toast I do prefer strawberry.

I guess I should probably include chicken lol, considering that in my post from 2 days ago, I mentioned that apparently all I wanted for dinner was chicken.  Yes I love chicken and I did as a kid.  But it’s not something that makes me think of my childhood.

Last and not least is tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich. There is nothing better then a hot bowl of tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich on a cold day.

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5 thoughts on “Favorite Childhood Foods

  1. Pasta, with or without sauce, one weekend it was all i ate for every meal when I was home alone, by choice. My mum had left it for me for one meal, but she knew i liked it so made a lot, I can’t cook, still can’t, so my other options were microwaved food. I just ate the pasta lol, I’d live off it if I could. As for child like meals, smiley face potatoes not actually sure what they’re called but something about dipping them in ketchup and having it come through the mouth and nose of the shape is still as satisfying as it ever was x

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