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I am Done with This World

Written by: Heather on

heal the worldI am so done with this world, I am so very disappointed in the human race and what we have become.

I want to run away and move to the middle of nowhere and disconnect from everything, but where do we go as right now it’s everywhere?  I want to yell out at the top of my lungs and then cry for the next hour.  I want to destroy something with all the anger built up and then hug my best friend.

I stress out so much over things posted on Facebook.  I wanna get off it but I love seeing all the fun and positive things that Facebook can do like reunite family and friends.  I wish there was a filter that you could filter out politics, covid-19, and hate.

I keep praying for this all to end, but I’m afraid that life as we know it has changed.  If we aren’t arguing about covid-19 and whether wearing mask is beneficial or not, we are fighting about race, if not race then it’s back to covid-19.  It keeps going back and forth.  I am so afraid that we are going to start another civil war with all the hate built up inside of people.  Okay let me stop now before this turns into something more, because I hate politics.

As horrible as 9/11 was, it was able to bring us together.  I’m afraid Covid-19 is pulling us all further and further apart.  If Michael Jackson was with us today I feel he would be writing a song about this.  His Heal the world song is the first thing that popped into my head.  We need to learn to love each-other and put our differences aside.  F*ck Hate!

Writing this was my wife’s idea, and I must say it felt good to just type it out.

SIDE NOTE: I am not saying that we haven’t had racial issues in the past as I am well aware of our countries history.   It’s just so bad right now.  I just wish we could all get along.

Edit: I just realized that I mentioned Michael Jackson on the day of his death 11 years later, is he speaking to me?

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4 thoughts on “I am Done with This World

  1. Hang in there girl, you’ve got this! You need to go in and jam on your instruments, put on some happy music and dance. Go for a drive just to get out…. just drive

    1. thanks hun, I actually played the piano today, which is always nice. Tunes I listened to a lil 😊. But a nice long drive to the ocean would be awesome…..

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