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I Can’t Decide

Written by: Heather on

Which way to goSo I started this blog to be more of a personal blog.  Shortly after I decided, hey maybe I can make this into much more and put my own personal stuff more to the side after all who wants to read that.  Now I am back into wanting to make it more of a personal blog.  With my wife’s post about finance, friends post about travel and recipes as a added bonus.  I think my intention of making it something more was to satisfy others and what they might want to read.  Yep, there I go again always being worried about what other’s think.  Why am I so worried about that?  Why can’t I just do it for me, as an outlet?

So I am in the middle of restructuring it once again to fit my needs.  With my last blog over 10 years ago, I basically kept it the same.  Except for the look of it that I would change every 6 months or so.  I hope that I don’t feel the need to change it as often as I did before.

I can tell you that one of my next post will probably be about being bipolar.  As the above paragraph clearly shows I am wishy washy lol.

Yea I think I am feeling much better about going in this direction again.

EDIT: Here is my bipolar post as mentioned above.

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4 thoughts on “I Can’t Decide

  1. do what feels right for you babe. other people really don’t matter to your happiness

  2. I enjoy your posts regardless of which direction you decide. Very informative, warm and from the heart.

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