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My Morning Routine

Written by: Heather on

My morningsEvery morning I get up about 7 a.m. to let our dogs out, it used to be at about 6:15.  I  clean up dog poop, get them fresh water, and feed them.  Then I get my coffee and sit out on our patio table with my laptop even though I have our beautiful sexy beast (27″ Mac computer) sitting in our office.  As much as I would love to use it, I go outside to some what control the craziness of these 8 month old Labradors.  Plus on the week days, my wife is using it as she is currently still working from home.  Between 9-10 I will usually take the dogs back in and put them in their kennels so that I can get shopping done, or any cleaning up that needs to be done that they will get in the way of.  If it’s the weekend,  I will go back up stairs and climb back in bed for another hour or two and cuddle with my sleeping wife. I’ve had this morning ritual for about 4 months now.

While I am sitting out on the patio, Is when I am usually writing here in my blog.  But then I have my mornings where I want to write and can’t think of anything to say.  I have 22 drafts saved with just titles of potential post.   I have possible ideas written in my notepad on my phone. But if the motivation isn’t there it just wont work.  Every so often inspiration will come later in the morning.  Maybe the coffee just kicks in a little later those days.

Today we plan to take the pups for a hour long drive to the Bay Area (the area of San Francisco and Oakland for those not familiar). I need a very brief change of scenery.  We usually have already been on 2 weekend getaways by this time of the year, but due to covid-19 and the new dogs it’s all been delayed.  So while this is only for a couple hours today and not a weekend trip.  We will still enjoy it.  I don’t think I have been out there since maybe December, and my wife much longer.  While out there we are going to grab a bite to eat, and bring home some of our favorite ice cream for the house (thank god for cooler bags).

It will be interesting to see how the dogs react to the smell of salt water.  A couple of months ago I would of never thought of taking them on a drive this long.  Steeler (our Silver lab) didn’t do well in the car, it was almost non stop barking.  He has pretty bad anxiety.  I read that if you get them neutered that it may help, although it wasn’t the reason for doing so.  Thankfully it worked and it has calmed him way down, although he still has his moments.  His brother Gunner hardly ever barks unless someone is here. I will share pictures of our beautiful babies on another day, for now I have a kitchen to clean up before we leave today.

Have a good Sunday….

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2 thoughts on “My Morning Routine

  1. Sometimes my morning routine feels like a relentless wheel that spins on its own power: wake up, feed the cats, put on the coffee, take a shower, make my lunch, pour my coffee, drive to work, work, rinse and repeat. By the time Friday rills around I find myself wondering how long I can do this. Routines help pass the time and give you a sense of purpose, but they can suck your creativity dry. It’s hard to stop and smell the coffee and let the aroma inspire a thought that isn’t routine-related.

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