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My New Toy

Written by: Heather on

MacBook ProA week ago today I went and purchased the new 14″ MacBook Pro with M1 Pro chip and on Thursday it was delivered.  Today (Tuesday) I am still in the middle of setting it up to my liking.  Sure I could have used the backup from the time machine on my iMac and made the process easy and quick.  That however takes away all the fun for me, I actually love doing a clean setup.  Plus, I didn’t want to carry over any of the old settings to the new setup.

Why a MacBook and not another iMac?

This is a MacBook Pro, do I really need to explain any further?  Actually though, I did think about buying another iMac, however they don’t make the 27″ anymore and I am not fond of the rainbow selection of color choices on the new 24″ iMacs. I also find myself helping family and friends with computer issues.  So having something portable for me is probably the way to go.  Sure I can bring my iPad but I still prefer to have a computer of some sort.  I always feel so limited with just an iPad, I also may need to create a disk of some sort.

How does one go from a 27″ screen down to a 14?

You go out and buy an even bigger 32″ monitor to utilize while at home.  I actually thought about buying 2 monitors.  But after seeing this huge screen I am not sure I will need a second.  The only reason I could see needing a second monitor is if I decided to get back into the web designing / programming business.  I do miss it from time to time.  But I don’t miss the stress and the calls throughout the day and even late at night when clients’ websites went down and would yell at me due to hosting issues that had nothing to do with me.  So for now I will stick to modifying my own personal site when the mood strikes.

What about my 27″ iMac?

As hard as it is for me to let it go. I had a moment of silence as I packed it up to send it back to apple.  It had some image retention issues that were bugging me, and I was no longer able to upgrade the OS on it.  It was hard to see it go as I loved it, it was my “Sexy Beast” (the computer name).  I felt bad too, it was a no reason gift from my wife that she surprised me with back in 2016.  However as she reminded me, it is a computer and they are not meant to be held on to forever.

After all this time, why am I blogging now?

Well a friend of mine asked yesterday, “are you going to start blogging again? I enjoy reading them.”  So I thought to myself let’s give this another go, although I have no idea why anyone would want to read this haha.

MacBook Pro with 32" Monitor
MacBook Pro with 32″ Monitor
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2 thoughts on “My New Toy

  1. Yay!!! So happy to see you blogging, enjoy your new toy!!!

    You could always write about home improvement tips, best ways to save at the grocery store…. just a couple that come to mind 🙂

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