Posted in Health2 Comments on Using Pickle Juice for Heartburn

Using Pickle Juice for Heartburn

Written by: Heather on

pickle juice for heartburn
Pickle Juice can help Heartburn?

Thankfully at this time in my life I do not suffer from heartburn.  I hope that I never do however if I do, this would definitely be my remedy of choice.  It seems to work for my wife.  I love pickles, and what do I love more then pickles?  Yes the juice.  As a snack I will often get a small cup, put a pickle in it and fill it up with some juice and enjoy it while watching TV.  I recently discovered that it’s actually vinegar that I like.  I tend to love certain foods more such as hot sauce if it’s vinegar based.

Let’s get back to it being a possible heartburn home remedy.   I say possible because I have recently read that in some cases it has the opposite effect. I would think that if you have an ulcer, it’s probably not such a good idea to try this.

So what is it about pickle juice that helps?  Bottom line it’s the vinegar.

How does it work? Is it thought that it tightens the esophageal sphincter muscle.

So if you have pickles in your refrigerator and feel some heartburn coming on, give it a try by having a small sip or even a bite of a pickle.  You may find that you will stop buying antacids that can have side effects with a more natural option.  And also have a yummy treat on the side.

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2 thoughts on “Using Pickle Juice for Heartburn

  1. That’s a very interesting concept and I will try that since I’m a pickle person.

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