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Server Change

Written by: Heather on

Today I’m changing web servers, so this is how I am basically spending my day, downloading databases, then downloading thousands of files (about 10-15k) per a site, not only to upload them all again. Then switch over the nameservers, and test the sites to make sure they were all running smoothly. It has been years since I’ve moved any websites. Thankfully it’s one of those things that doesn’t really change.  As I write this, I am currently uploading the files to my blog now, my database has all ready been copied over. I am writing this blog post in a notepad to be posted later when it is completed with the move. So if you are reading this, my site is completely moved and I was successful with it,  I will probably be on to the next of moving one of six other sites.  However if you come back and see a database connection issue, or this post is missing.  It’s because the nameservers are still doing their thing and they can be wishy washy.  Causing you to see one of the two servers (old and new servers) I currently have my blog files on.  Usually clearing your cache in your browser will help, and a refresh of the browser.   But It can usually take 24 to 48 hours to fully start working for the nameservers to fully propagate.

Ok so I know I lost you there, I am sorry. Did you know I’m a self proclaimed geek? If you read my old blog from years ago, or you know me personally then you know this. I will try to avoid posting programming/coding here.

Anyhow in the middle of all this while files were downloading. I got up to do our yard work of mowing the lawn, a bit of edging and then blow off the driveway. I have thought about hiring someone, but we will keep our money. After all it’s not like I have a job, so it’s the least I can do.

Have a great day…

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