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So Not the Girly Girl

Written by: Heather on

wedding day
Even on my Wedding Day I didn’t want to wear a dress or have a bouquet, but I did hold on to a single long stem rose

I got my hair cut yesterday (finally) and I feel like I lost about 10 pounds on my head. I usually will get highlights added to hide my grey that I’ve been getting since I was about 22. But I decided to opt out this time, it seems that it’s more and more popular to embrace your grey. So I decided to give it a try. I don’t have a picture, so I won’t be posting one. I can tell you that I always get the most basic of cuts.  I’m the kind of girl who will just brush my hair and go. If we are going out on a special date, the most I will do to my hair is flat iron it. Then when it comes time to get my hair cut, it stays up in a pony tail until i get sick of dealing with it and get it cut. As a teenager, my Mom would get upset. I had no interest in doing anything with my hair, while some of my best friends would easily spend at least 20-30 minutes styling theirs along with using a can of aqua-net.

Probably the most girly thing I do, is getting my eyebrows waxed. And even that I don’t do on a regular basis. I will usually try to maintain them myself with my tweezers. But if I go a day or two without doing so, they often get out of control. This is when I reference them as being my bears. People often say I have beautiful eyes, so if people are really looking at my eyes that much, I figure my eyebrows are like a frame and should look good. So I went on Wednesday to get that taken care of along with my upper lip and chin done. Yes I will admit that I have to do that. While there, I also treated my self to a pedicure. I forgot how good it felt to get my feet massaged, may have to do it a little more often.

As far as makeup, I use minimal amounts of it. And I don’t spend a lot of money on it. The most money I ever spent on makeup was on MAC makeup for my wedding day. We had a mid sized wedding (about 50 people) and my picture was going to be taken more then any other day of my life so I wanted to look my best. Otherwise I am okay with just some basic Maybelline / Covergirl. I don’t like a lot of makeup and color on my face, I never have. I like the more natural look for myself, I like to use makeup to even out my complexion. Makeup looks great on other people and I am sure other people think it looks great on me. But I don’t like it for me, and that is what matters right?

Jewelry, Accessories, and Shoes… I occasionally will wear ear rings and or a necklace, but usually the only jewelry I wear is my wedding and engagement rings. Accessories that I do have are men’s ties (own about 6 different colors), belt when I need it and a hat (although I have one I have yet to wear it out.)  I don’t even own a purse.  I guess you could consider my sunglasses as an accessory being how they are always on my face or my head, holding my hair back.   Shoes, I think I only own only 4 pairs of shoes. I know some people are probably thinking, what is wrong with you? LOL. I have my flip flops (my daily shoes as I am a Southern California girl here), wedge heel boots (for a night out), sneakers (which i hardly wear), and my oxford style shoes (when it’s cold or if we go out and I wanna feel a lil dressier).

One night as Terry and I were coming back from our date in San Francisco.  I was wearing dress pants, a dress shirt with a vest and tie and we began talking about labels in the LGBT world. When it comes to lesbians, there are typically two main categories that we’re broken into: Studs and Femmes. We don’t like labels, we are who we are but if I have to label myself. I would say I am a Stem.

A stem is defined by Urban Dictionary as: A lesbian who tends to dress like a guy but still wears make up and has long hair. A Tom boy in appearance but still has a fem side to her. Likes masculine things and activities.

Note: I know I left off letters in my reference to LGBT, no disrespect I just lost count and can’t keep up. And LGBT it what I grew up with

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