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Social Media Marriage – Anonymous Question

Written by: Heather on

I am a part of a few LGBTQ Marriage Groups on Facebook.  And time to to time there is a anonymous question posted, the user sends a message to one of the admins of the group and the admin post the question in the group as a “Anonymous Post”.  Some of the post I see I find myself wondering, why are even married?

The Question:

Here’s my dilemma, I am a social media person. Meaning I like to post my significant other, WcW, #Challenges, pics/memes/updates all that good stuff as well. My wife on the other hand is not. We’ve been married a few years now and she’s always been like that. Well that bothers me some and idk if it should.  I want her to feel the WANT to tell the world she loves me and post my pic on Wednesday’s, hype me up a lil for the people A lil birthday, Mother’s Day post…. SOMETHING. She will every 3/4 months post a lil something but I feel like its just so I won’t nag. Yes!!! I’ve talked to her about it before (it’s been a while) but I make comments about it all the time and she knows how I feel about it.

What do you guys think, do I need to just get over it???

My response: 

My first thought is, are you in a relationship with her in real life or is this a “Social Media” Marriage?   Sure it’s nice to be acknowledged online so all your “friends” can see it, but really does it really bother you this much?  It should be more about how she treats you in your personal life.  After all you are married,  everyone already knows she loves you enough to put a ring on it.  Also you knew she was like this from day one.  That “WANT” that you want her to have is there, as she does do it every 3-4 months she just doesn’t have that “WANT” as much as you want her too.  If you keep pushing her to do it, you may end up causing more problems then there needs to be.

Bottom line I think they have some serious insecurities with their relationship

Have an anonymouse or not so anonymouse question you want me to give my opinion on? Head on over to my Contact page.
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