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Texting vs Calling

Written by: Heather on

Baby TextingDo you prefer to communicate by calling or texting?

I tend to prefer texting or emailing these days over voice. Here are some of my reasons why in no particular order.

  1. If you text there is no awkward silence.

  2. If someone ask a question, you can actually think of the answer without saying “ugh” before your answer.

  3. Sometimes you don’t wanna have to deal with a whole conversation when you only want to ask a question or two. That question(s) in a call can turn into a hour long conversation.

  4. Sometimes your in a loud environment and you can’t hear what they are saying on the phone, this is a great time for texting.

  5. In a quiet environment, you don’t want to blabber all your business so everyone can hear you. Or its just inappropriately time to talk on the phone, so texting is great way to keep the silence, of course if your phone is on vibrate which 9 times out of 10 mine is.

  6. Last but not least, I f you have lots of anxiety like me about making or taking that call, its great.

However I know there is a time and place to make that call.

  1. When you want to share really good news such as “I’m getting married”.

  2.  Or when you have that really bad news, no one wants to hear of a loved one passing by text.

  3.  You can judge a persons response better.  Often times you may think someone is upset in a text when really they are not.  I know I’m guilty of thinking that.

  4.  Sometimes it’s just faster to make that call and get it over with.

So what do you prefer?


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