Posted in Potpourri1 Comment on Vaguebooking


Written by: Heather on

Vaguebooking: A blend of vague and Facebooking, vaguebooking is the practice of making a post on social media, primarily Facebook, that is intentionally vague but highly personal and emotional. Designed to elicit concerned responses from friends and family, it’s often looked down upon as a desperate call for attention or need for validation.

Something I really hate when people do it is, Vaguebooking.  Actually this term is something i just learned while looking up vague Facebook post.  I have a few friends who tend to do this a lot.  They will put something up to get your attention.  You comment and then they say they don’t want to talk about it.  Or they will even say it’s none of your business.  Okay if it’s none of our business, then why even write that?  This is probably something that is better left being said to a trusted friend.  Not all of your 500+ friends.

I was trying to decide what to write about today.  Then I saw one of my vague Facebooking friends put one out this morning which inspired this tiny rant.  I can only assume by their comments to me of “the ultimate betrayal” that they slept with someone else’s partner or they cheated on theirs, or possibly even both.  If that is the case, I could start up a whole new rant on that but I won’t at least not today.

On a lighter side I found this fun little short clip about vague Facebook post if done in real life.

Hope you have a great Sunday….I’m off to make some Cinnabon rolls for breakfast

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One thought on “Vaguebooking

  1. I can’t stand that as well. Also the text messages that I get that say…. Girl, so much drama you don’t even know… then you ask what’s up and they say… I don’t even want to go into it.

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