Posted in Relationships2 Comments on Water Your Own Grass!

Water Your Own Grass!

Written by: Heather on

water your own grass

People are never satisfied with their own situation; they always think others have it better.

I can say that I have been found guilty of this in past relationships.  However I have discovered if you water your own grass, it can help it to stay green.

Stop being worried about what others have, and worry about making it happen for your self.  Besides do you ever really know if their lawn is green from watering it?  Or are they are painting it green when your not looking?  It’s easier to paint that lawn green more then ever with social media.

If you are in a unhappy relationship, you have basically three options.  Work on it to make it better, deal with it, or leave it.

Water your grass, communicate with your loved one, no matter how hard it may be.  Relationships involve two people.  Each person has to be willing to give 100% not 50/50.  Your lawn is always nice and dark green when you first get it.  That is because you talk and communicate all the time (there is a difference between the two),  treat each other to nice things, go out on dates, you compliment each other and you respect each other.

It seems that after a while you slowly stop watering your lawn, taking a day off here and there.   Till the point where it only gets water when it rains and in some places (relationships) that isn’t very often.  Suddenly you’re feeling stuck in a rut, doing the same things every day.  You don’t communicate about anything and you start fighting more and more.  Your green grass is drying out, turning brown and slowly dying.

This is when your three options come in…

  • You can start watering it on your own and hope it will get better for you both.  However remember a relationship involves two people.  So water it together
  • You can continue to let it dry out, turn brown and let it turn to weeds and dirt over time.  Basically you dislike each other or in some cases even hate each other
  • You can leave, give your roots some time to grow and eventually start a new lawn somewhere else.  It will hurt at first, but you will get stronger.

The Grass isn’t greener on the other side.  The Grass is greener where you water it!

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