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Wednesday Hump Day

Written by: Heather on

Wednesday Hump DayWell It’s Wednesday aka Hump Day, even though I don’t work I still get excited about the days of the week. Because that means more time spent with the wife. Yes she currently works from home and I visit with her a few times a day to say hi. But I love the weekends, I love our mornings of laying in bed cuddled up. Our days spent out on the patio playing games while listening to music. And even the days where we are cleaning up together, now obviously the cleaning days are not my favorite. But it is something that has to be done from time to time.

Most of us are familiar with Geico’s Hump Day commercials that started in 2013.  But where did we come up with the term hump day? A fellow blogger in her random thoughts post this morning, asked about where does the term originate from. I decided I would google it to see what random stuff I could find about it.

First where does the phrase “over the hump” come from?

I read that it originated from the Second World War. It referred to the process of flying supplies over the Himalayas from India to the East. Getting over those mountains was considered both difficult and dangerous. The expression over the hump morphed into any difficult task, as well as a verb ‘humping supplies’ over land – military or civilian.

When did “hump day” come around?

No it wasn’t in 2013 with the Geico commercials.  In my very quick search (not spending that much time on this). I read a few statements saying the term hump day was originated in the early 1960s and maybe even the 1950s. As to who actually said it we may never know. Some say…

    • DuPont Chemical in 1965
    • Allied Clothiers in 1962
    • General Motors Assembly Plant (B.O.P.) in 1963

But does it really matter?   No not really, I just wanted something to look up and share with you.  Because I am random like that….

I hope that you enjoy your Hump Day!

Oh and just in case you have been living under a rock and don’t know what commercials I am referring to.  And because it’s hump day what better way to close off today’s post with a Geico hump day commercial


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2 thoughts on “Wednesday Hump Day

  1. Funny thing, Tuesday night I had a dream about a wounded camel. I stroked his snout and head trying to reassure him. When I saw your featured image it freaked me out a little.

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