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Where have I been?

Written by: Heather on

where have i beenIt’s been a long time since I’ve gotten a post out, which leaves me and many readers wondering… where in the world is Carmen… oops, Heather?  Ok maybe not as I only have a few readers.

I’m the type of person that once I start something I need to keep it going, I am horrible at taking a day off and returning back to it the next day like nothing ever happened.    And my lack of posting over the last 3 months proves just that, isn’t that a shame?  I wish I had exciting things to share such as traveling, but as we all know Covid still exist and the only place I have traveled is to San Diego for a weekend trip to visit family which I did enjoy.  I’m doing ok for the most part and will probably get more into that in another post.  For now I am just trying to break the ice with this one….

There will be more to come….

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