My Dad Charles, my Mom Cindy (Cynthia), and my Grandmother (Mom’s Mom) Marge. May they all rest in peace.

Lets look back at the most horrific experience of my life so far…And as a heads up I am not looking for any sympathy

WARNING this might be a little too much for some…

I was born in San Francisco, CA. I have a sister named Jennifer who was born on my 5th birthday, talk about a crazy but great birthday present. We all (Mom, Dad, Sister and I) lived in a one bedroom apartment. 1 month later on the night of March 20th I was laying in bed late at night. I was supposed to be sleeping, but was unable to. So I was laying in my twin bed, my sister in her little crib on the other side of the room (more or less in the closet, with the doors off). I heard my parents arguing and my mom came in and threw herself on to their bed in the middle of the room, shortly to be followed by my father. My father had a love for hunting, with handguns, rifles, bow and arrows, he even bought me my own archery set. We used to go for picnics and shoot them. Anyhow he came into the room went to his top drawer in his dresser and pulled out a handgun. Went over to the bed and shot her at point blank range. I still remember the blood covering her face. I don’t remember much more after that, except for my father telling me it was an accident that he was trying to show her how to use it and waking up the next day at my neighbors house confused and scared.

My grandparents didn’t want us, no one in my family wanted us. So we stayed in a foster home or two (which I remember I hated), we were considered un-adoptable because of the two of us they didn’t want to separate us, and most people do not want 2 kids. Finally my mother that I have now (who is actually my 2nd cousin by blood) found out about us. She already had 2 boys but had always wanted girls. So we were flown down to San Diego (I believe it was PSA, remember them?). I still remember all of about 5 seconds on that flight lol. And that began a new life for me.

I know what your going to ask me next, what happened to my father. From what I understand he did very little time as he was drunk and got off on temporary insanity.  You can read about him here.