I realized today it had been a moment since I shared some of my favorite music. This is my favorite prelude song that we choose for our wedding. It brings such a big smile to my face when I hear it thinking of how perfect our day was. I loved when I got to see
When I Discovered Myself
I wish I could remember the day but I can tell you the year, it was 1997. This is when I discovered that I liked women for more then just friends. I was married to my first husband (on my third and final marriage with my Wife Terry). I spent the entire day with a
Favorite Childhood Foods
So I was sitting down when I decided I wanted a good ole BP&J when I thought… What are your favorite childhood foods? And do you still eat them as an adult? And not only that, do they bring memories up while eating them. I know I surely do, one of the reasons is because
First Year Anniversary Gifts
So while most people know that the traditional first year anniversary gift to give is paper. I’m sure a lot of people don’t know what kind of gift to give for it to follow under that tradition. It’s not like you want to give them a ream of printer paper right? First let’s talk about
Ok so you want to hear some funny things from my past? You’ve heard of Trumpisms? Now I bring you, Heatherisms. These are three of the most popular and most well known phrases I have said in my past to my family. The ones my family will never let down. The ones that are brought
Sapiosexual – What is it?
I just recently came across a meme I shared a few years back in my Facebook memories. It was simply the definition of a Sapiosexual. I never knew back then there was such a term. However I always knew I was. What is a Sapiosexialty? Defined as: Noun: A person who is sexually attracted to
Social Anxiety Disorder
I have had this problem for a very long time. About 10 years ago is when I found out that there is actually a name for this problem, which is Social Anxiety Disorder or Social Phobia. What is Social Anxiety Disorder? Social anxiety disorder aka Social Phobia, is diagnosed when people become overwhelmingly anxious and
Taken Away
Today I am taking it back to November 10, 1982… Our family was going through some ruff times and had to live at a campground called “Campland on the Bay”. Actually it isn’t that bad of a place (at least to me as a young kid), it has little parks with playgrounds for us to
Saying I love you
How soon is too soon, to tell someone you love them? When should you tell the other person those magic words? I think saying “I love you” is a very personal experience, and every person has their own different time frame for saying it. Some people say it right away with a new person, some
Monterey County – My Home Away from Home
When you get engaged and married in Monterey, Ca it doesn’t take a genius to find out why someone would call such a beautiful area their home away from home. But let me share with you some of the great things about Monterey County besides having those great beautiful memories for me. If we could
Love Hate Relationships
Love-hate relationships to me are like an addiction to a drug. Your family and friends think your crazy for doing it. You want to quit because you know it’s bad for you (for what ever reason). However you find yourself coming back for more and more no matter what, because you love the short term
Control Freaks
Most all of us have all had to deal with control freaks at one point in our lives. The people who insist on having their way in all interactions with you. Wanting to decide what it is you will do and when you will do it. You know who they are, they have a intense